I suppose upon entry I should introduce myself, and who I am.
My name is my screen name, though sometimes I'm called "Smokey" because that's my youtube username.
I am an artist, and a writer. I want to do many things with my imagination, a good example is this book I'm writing, and have been writing for about 3 years, perhaps one day I will be able to say I published something.
I aim for a career in concept art one day as well, I also like working with computer music programs, like drum machines, and instrument replicators. I do a little bit of 3D modeling, and try every now and then towards flash animations. Flash animations is something I have been greatly looking into, only hindered by my lack of skill and adobe suites.
I'm a video game addict, mainly of flash games and PC related games, outside of that would be the Halo franchise.
I have worked on one persons' project for a short animated film once, as far as I know, he wanted to use my design, it seems he decided to make a video game instead. But I'm not sure, the movie might be made in 60 years from now.
Tonight I decided to join NewGrounds because it is a place I have a great amount of respect for, one example would be that when I was younger, I used to play Alien Hominid here. The game was very inspiring to me, and perhaps gave me a little bit of happiness in those times. I admire what the website is about and what it's members achieve, plus the fuckin' sense of humor can't really be found anywhere else.
On deviantArt if feels as though half of the people reading my descriptions are laughing or are gasping in horror of the unpresentability.
While I don't have enough to put up or talk about now, I hope to change that in time.
So that my friends, is my first News Post.
*throws invisible glass, and bows to invisible applause*
My main messaging arena is on deviantart under the same screen name, however I will attempt to keep visits here frequent.